We just received this sad news that Bill Eldridge passed away on December 19, 2017 in Raleigh, NC. He had been living in Cary, a suburb of Raleigh for many years. Many of us remember his grandparents and their classic old car. Bill attended Central School and First Presbyterian Church; we were in church choirs together from the age of 3 on! Bill excelled in math and science classes at HMHS. He served in the Army and was married to Doris. His daughter Paula was born in 1974. https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/cary-nc/robert-eldridge-7686708
Vincent Summers
I always looked upon Bill as a friend of Geoff Seeger and mine, when we were young. I knew he was raised by his grandparents, although I'm not certain what happened to his parents. I've often thought of him and wondered whatever became of him.
Geoff Seeger
Something tells me Bill endured experiences while in the service that he didn’t want to talk about. Regardless of whether that’s true, Bill was a better person than most of the rest of us – he was smarter, kinder, more genuine, more perceptive, more trustworthy, less self-promoting, and less enthralled with the vulgarities and spectacles in our society. But I didn’t realize any of this while we were at HMHS.
Nelson Widell
I am really sad to hear this. Billy was in most of my classes at Central School. His parents had died in a car crash and he lived with his grandparents who were very nice people. Bill was very smart as well and he helped me with Algebra tutoring me in his house after school.