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Hope you enjoy these photos from the Class of '66 Mini-Reunion at Tavistock last weekend. These reunions occur the last Saturday night in July every year and all class members are welcome. Plan on attending the 2021 Class of '66 Fifty-Fifth Reunion!!
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Pictures from the Class of '66 Annual Mini-Reunion last weekend in July, 2019 at Tavistock follow. Plan to attend our 55th Reunion in 2021!!!

Al Borrell, Jeff Lucas, Buddy Boenecke, Elliot EJ Paul, Ed Madden, Carol Kelling Yeager, Chris Spicer, Joan Lazo Trojan, Janet Haynes Lehman, Janice Mayo McNally, Bob Lehman, Sally Cooper, Lois Young Hinski, Ed Pearson, Conni Spiegel, Tricia MacBride, Kathy Chesbro, Gale Griese Butcher, Chuck Robson, Phil Quay, Mary Ellen Cahill, Jon Clisham

Carole Kelling Yeager and Gale Griese Butcher

Jon Clisham and MaryEllen Cahill

Lois Young Hinski

Nelson Widell and Buddy Boenecke

Al Borell, Libby Lucas, Jeff Lucas, Elliot E J Paul, Buddy Boenecke, Carole Kelling Yeager, Ed Madden, Joan Lazo Trojan, Chris Spicer, Nelson Widell, Janet Haynes Lehman, Janice Mayo McNally, Bob Lehman, Sally Cooper, Lois Young Hinski, Ed Pearson, Conni Spiegel, Trish MacBride, Kathy Chesbro, Gale Griese Butcher, Chuck Robson, Phil Quay, MaryEllen Cahill, Jon Clisham
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We received this note from the Haddon Fire Company:
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Our class sent a donation and this note to the Fire Department in honor of Craig Maull who died in the line of duty in December 2017.

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About 25 of us reunited last Saturday night on the patio at Tavistock to catch up on each other's lives and enjoy the cool, clear air. Kathy Howell Starnes and husband Rick drove up from Virginia, Mary Cahill from the Florida Keys, Josh flew in from northern California, Gale Griese Butcher from Cape Cod, and Vicki and Wil Knowles from Wilmington, NC. Thanks to Nelson Widell, Gale Griese Butcher, and Conni Spiegle for arranging everything. And thanks to Mike Fessler for a round of drinks for everyone!

Bob Lehman, Janet Haynes Lehman, Ed Madden, Jacque Liggett Grossman, Lois Young Hinski, Kathy O'Neil Chesbro, Mike Fessler, Joan Lazo Trojan, Sally Cooper, Nelson Widell, Kathy Howell Staranes, Rick Starnes, Buddy Boenecke, Conni Spiegle, Vicki Meece Knowles, Rob Shannon's shoulder, Gale Griese Butcher, Wil Knowles, Mary Ellen Cahill, Josh Gitomer, Kathy Widell, Jeff Lucas, Libby Lucas, Barbara and Mark Sutterley.

Lois Young Hinski, Jeff and Libby Lucas

Buddy Boenecke, Janet Haynes Lehman, Ed Madden, Josh Gitomer, Bob Lehman

Janet Haynes Lehman, Bob Lehman, Ed Madden, Vicki Meece Knowles, Lois Young Hinski

Mike Fessler, Gale Griese Butcher, Rob Shannon

Conni Spiegle, Joan Lazo Trojan, Sally Cooper (standing), Kathy Widell, Nelson Widell

Josh Gitomer, Mary Ellen Cahill, Jacque Liggett Grossman, Kathy O'Neal Chesbro, Barbara (Mark's finance)

Mark Sutterley, Rick Starnes, Kathy Howell Starnes, Josh Gitomer

Lois, Ed, Jacque, Kathy C., Janet, Mike, Joan, Sally, Nelson, Kathy S., Conni, Bud, Vicki, Rob, Gale, Mark, Mary Ellen, Josh, Jeff
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The mini-reunion at Tavistock Country Club will be held Saturday night, July 29, 2017. Cocktails at 6, dinner at 7. Cash bar. Around $60/person for elegant 3-course dinner. RSVP to Gale Griese Butcher (508-776-2010 or or Conni Spiegle ( All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Here's the crew from 2015:

1st row: Kathy Starnes, Lois Young Hinski, Conni Spiegle, Joan Lazo Trojan, Sally Cooper, Carole Kelling Yeager, Gale Griese Butcher. 2nd row: Mike Fessler, Mary Cahill, Jeff Lucas, Lois Shreeves McClean, Bud Boenecke, Jon Clisham, Rick Leaman, Nelson Widell

Bud Boenecke and Jon Clisham


Jeff Lucas, Bud Boenecke, Rick Leaman

Libby Lucas and Laura Tepfenhart

Lois Young Hinski, Carole Kelling Yeager, Joan Lazo Trojan

Gale Griese Butcher and Mark Sutterley

Mary Ellen Cahill

Mike Fessler and Rick Leaman

Sally Cooper, Jackie and Mike Fessler

Lois Shreeves McClean, Mark Sutterley and fiance
Left Coast Reunion - May 2017
Left Coast Reunion - Josh Gitomer, Marian Paules, Cathy Maclay May 2017
Cathy Maclay, Linda Patchell, Marian Paules
Janet Lehman, Louisa Lenhart, Cathy Maclay, Josh Gitomer, Linda Patchell, Marian Paules

Josh, Laura, and friend
Other Group Gatherings

Barry Felton, Nelson Widell

Bob Shannon and Nelson Widell

Vicki Meece Knowles, Jill Hunter Burrill, Janet Haynes Lehman, Conni Spiegle 2014
Geoff Seeger, Jeff Lucas, and Ed Madden at the Haddonfield Alumni Society Life Time Achievement Awards, 2014. Ed accepted the award for Ken Weaber.
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Dear Friends,
There’s still time to join us in Carmel for our Left Coast Reunion. We have friends and classmates converging from all over the country:
Linda Patchell Abrams is driving up from Los Angeles.
So is Rick Nicholson.
Dave Dalton is flying in from Foley, Alabama.
Jack Korfhage from Zachary, Louisiana.
Louisa Lenhart Brownstein from Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Justice Duncan from Beaufort, South Carolina.
Cathy Maclay Schoch and Marian Paules are coming down from Berkeley.
Ann Sterner Tyler from West Palm Beach, Florida
Conni Spiegle from Lindenwold.
Ed Madden and Janet Haynes Lehman from Historic Haddonfield.
And I will be catching a wave down from Surf City, USA (…In case you’re curious, they’re really are two girls for every guy).
We would all love to have you join us! There are still rooms left at the hotel, and we’re saving a place for you at the dinner table.
Would you like one of these mugs? Join us and it’s yours!

Lodging Facility:
The historic Pine Inn on Ocean Street, right in the heart of Carmel. It’s at the base of the shopping district and few blocks from the beach. It has an Il Fornaio restaurant as part of the facility, and several small banquet rooms for all our activities.
Reunion fee:
The cost is $99 per person ($198 per couple) and includes the Friday night meet & greet facility (no host bar) with appetizers, and the Saturday night sit down dinner with wine (including tax & tip) and entertainment.
Pine Inn Lodging Rates and Reservations:
To make your reservations call 1-800-228-3851 and reference the “HMHS Reunion.” Here are the rates, and the Pine Inn will honor these discounted rates for as many nights as you want to stay.
Queen Rooms $199
King Rooms $219
King Ocean View Suites $239
Schedule of events:
Friday, May 5 evening happy hour meet & greet (5-6:30PM), at the Pine Inn.
Saturday, May 6 day events (10AM - 4PM) your choice of golf, whale-watching, wine tasting, 17-Mile Drive Tour, Canner Row Tour, etc.
Saturday, May 6 evening dinner and light entertainment. Josh & Laura’s women’s a cappella octet, No Divas, will perform. (5PM - 10PM)
Please Join Us!
Please contact Josh directly:
831-662-0132 (land line)
831-227-1474 (cell)
Your Left Coast Reunion Committee,
Josh Gitomer, Cathy Maclay, Marian Paules
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HMHS Class of ’66 Left Coast Reunion
May 5/6, 2017
in beautiful Carmel, California
(mailed to everyone July 10, 2016)
Following the great success of our 50th Reunion in April, more than a few folks have expressed interest in having a west coast gathering. A fair number of us live out here in the western states, and we’re thinking that our east coast counterparts would like a good excuse to visit California, especially charming Carmel which has so much to offer the visitor: scores of great restaurants, quaint shops, a beautiful white sand beach, world-class golf, extraordinary nearby parks and sights (Big Sur, Point Lobos, Pinnacles, 17-Mile Drive, Cannery Row), and all set on one of the world’s most famous sunset coastlines.
In order to make this happen we need your input/feedback. Please hit FORWARD and type my address in the SEND TO area ( Then type your responses right under these questions. Please include your name!
1. Are you interested in coming?
2. Do these dates (May 5-6, 2017) work for you?
3. We have 15 rooms reserved at Svendgaard’s Inn, right the heart of Carmel. The rooms run about $180. Is this affordable for you?
4. Monterey Regional Airport is just 5 miles from Carmel. American, Alaska, and United all fly here, so you can make connections from just about anywhere. You can also fly into San Jose (1 hr 20 min away) or San Francisco (2 hrs away). Does transportation present a problem?
5. Would you want to stay longer and make it a California vacation? May is about the best weather month here, and the falls in Yosemite are at their fullest.
Your Left Coast Reunion Committee:
Josh Gitomer, Cathy Maclay, Marian Paules
Please respond directly to Josh:
831-662-0132 (landline)
831-227-1474 (cell)
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50th Reunion Traveling Banner
Dear Friends,
Now that the 50th is behind us, I have our 3'x 8' Welcome Class of '66 Bulldawgs full color banner in my closet. Dina asks, what are you going to do with it now? Hmmm, I said in my articulate way. And then, inspiration:
In return for a donation of at least $19.66 (get it?) to one of our Class scholarship funds or to the Haddonfield Educational Trust in honor of our class, yours truly on behalf of the Committee will package said banner and send it to you. Details about the scholarship/Trust are on the website under the heading CLASS GIFT. Condition: you will take a picture of yourself (with your family, your cat, whomever), at some location that matters to you (your home, a mountain high, a river wide), with the banner displayed. You will then send the picture to this Class website for viewing by all. Then you make your donation, if you have not already, and return the banner in the tube I sent it in, or forward it to the next person on the list.
FYI, Bill Kain has first dibs as he is taking it to the Jersey Shore for his family reunion in July. We think we can have some fun with this and are anxious to see the creative pictures that we can conjure. Those of you who could not be with us in April can strut your stuff. What say you and who wants to be part of the traveling banner show and raise some funds in honor of all of us? Thanks and be very well.
Bob Greenberg
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To participate in the traveling banner event, hit CONTACT US on the left side of the Home Page and provide your name and mailing address. Each participant will receive the banner, take a picture with the banner, post the picture on the site, make a donation, and mail the banner to the next name on the list.
1. Bill Kain, 427 St. Johns, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
2. Vicki Knowles 5422 Marina Club Drive, Wilmington, NC 28409
3. Peggy Nyce McDevit, 19510 Emerald Bay Vw, unit 101, Estero, FL 33928
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Joan Frantz Richards
I wish to thank the reunion organizers. They did a fabulous job. A special thanks to Josh for the heartfelt tribute to the classmates that we have lost. It was an honor to be asked to speak about Sally and Ginny. It also gave me an opportunity to say a few words about my Dad. Many attendees came up to me to say what a great influence my Dad had on their lives,even some of the girls said that he had taught them to drive. He was so special to me and it was gratifying to hear that he was special to others as well. I had a wonderful time, even though I had bought my dress before I got the memo that the appropriate attire was business casual. My husband said, "Wear it anyway" and so I did. Thank you again for an unforgettable weekend.
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Larry Grabiak
Two words is not enough to express how wonderful this past reunion weekend was for us all. That said - THANK YOU - for the organizers and the participants of the reunion. It was great seeing classmates, friends, and while in the area - family. Thoroughly enjoyed by all. And a special Thanks to Josh for the memorable presentation of those gone from us all...
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Barry and Anne Felten
Great Evening with HMHS Class of 1966!!
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from Karen Langford Colaiaco:
I have really enjoyed reading about our classmates and the posted comments on this site. Vicki, thanks for all of your hard work. You and the reunion "team" are to be congratulated! Have a great time tonight!
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Thank you!
"I want to say thank you very much to Vicki, Bob, Bill, Gale, Ed, Conni and Janet for their incredible hard work on this reunion! Hoorah!" -- David Dalton
(This was the announcement which had technical difficulties getting published over the last few days.)
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April 15, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, Friday night - Tap Room, 427 W. Crystal Lake Avenue, Haddon Township. Cash bar and class-provided appetizers. Casual dress.
April 16, 10:00 to 11:00 am, Saturday morning - Meet at HMHS flagpole for tour of the school.
April 16, 11:00 am to Noon, Saturday morning - HMHS Library - A Time to Remember Friends.
April 16, 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm, Saturday night - DoubleTree Suites, 515 Fellowship Road, Mt. Laurel, NJ. Appetizers and cash bar from 6pm to 7pm. Dinner and conversation from 7pm to 11pm. Business Casual dress.
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50th Reunion - April 16, 2016
There are no friends like old friends, and your Class of '66 mates, with whom you graduated from HMHS almost 50 - that's FIVE-ZERO - years ago, are as good as it gets. On Saturday, April 16, 2016, you will have a ONCE IN A LIFETIME opportunity to enjoy an evening of friends, laughs, memories, food, drink, and music from the '60's at our 50th Reunion in Mt. Laurel, NJ. Yes, friends, this is the one and only. There will never be another 50th for us. Mark it down, talk it up, and plan to be with us on 4-16-16 for a night you will never forget. Friday night, April 15, we will meet in a private room at the Tap Room & Grill (formerly Green Valley, 427 W. Crystal Lake Ave, Haddon Township) from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Appetizers will be provided; cash bar. Saturday morning, April 16, we meet at the flag pole at HMHS at 10 am for a tour of the school. At 11 am we will meet at the HMHS library to remember our friends whom we've lost. Josh Gitomer has created a brief movie capturing pictures and moments from their lives. A mic will be available to allow us to share stories. Saturday night we meet at the DoubleTree for drinks and appetizers at 6pm prior to our dinner at 7.
The cost is $99 per person/$198 per couple and includes appetizers, the buffet dinner, wine with dinner, facility rental, decorations, gratuities, two bartenders and the music. Mail your check to Bill Kain, 427 St. Johns Drive, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034. Please make checks payable to HMHS REUNION '66. All events Saturday night will be held at the DoubleTree Suites on Fellowship Road in Mt. Laurel, NJ. Early payment is greatly appreciated since we have installment payment deadlines to meet with the DoubleTree in the next few months.
Doubletree will make a group block of up to 15 suites available on a courtesy basis at a preferential rate to those attending the reunion. The unused rooms will be returned to the hotel on March 25, 2016. Reservations made after March 25 will be subject to the best available rate at that time. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel directly at 856-778-8999 and referencing the Haddonfield Memorial HS Reunion/Group Code C52. Reservations must be made by March 25th to receive the group rate. If you prefer to book on-line, use this link:
We're importing an electronic juke box for the event so we can select the music we want throughout the night. Click "Music at the Reunion" for the full description. If you have some hotel rewards points you'd like to use rather than staying at the Doubletree, please click "Additional Hotels" at the top of the Home Page for names, addresses, and contact information. Book your flights early for the best prices and check nearby airports as well. See the new page "Airlines and Discounts", top of Home Page, for useful hints on various airports, days for booking, etc.
So set up your profile, tell your friends to set up theirs, upload pictures, start chatting with each other, and help us find those who are missing.
Your very excited Reunion Committee,
Gale Griese Butcher, Bob Greenberg, Bill Kain, Vicki Meece Knowles, Janet Haynes Lehman, Ed Madden, and Conni Spiegle
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I'm in!
As of April 15, 2016, here's the list of 100 attendees for our 50th Class Reunion. We regret that Gale Greise Butcher, Paul Wickes, and Roseann Scarpa cannot join us for the weekend. Pat Preston Taylor and Mark Zipf were able to join us. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Tap Room tonight!
Peter Anastos (PAID)
Bud Boenecke - 2 (PAID)
Al Borrell (PAID)
Mary Cahill (PAID)
Doug Clevenger - 2 (PAID)
Jon Clisham (PAID)
Sally Cooper (PAID)
David Dalton (PAID)
Debbie DelCarlino (PAID)
Deb DiMarco - 2 (PAID)
Justice Duncan (PAID)
Larry Ergood (PAID)
Barry Felten - 2 (PAID)
Mike Fessler - 2 (PAID)
Joan Frantz Richards - 2 (PAID)
Nancy German Delahanty - 2 (PAID)
Josh Gitomer - 2 (PAID)
Larry Grabiak - 2 (PAID)
Jack Green (PAID)
Judy Green Russell (PAID)
Bob Greenberg - 2 (PAID)
Randy Hall (PAID)
Janet Haynes Lehman - 2 (PAID)
Ruth Hess (PAID)
Jackie Hoffmeier Lee (PAID)
Kathy Howell Starnes - 2 (PAID)
Susan Hughes Bigham - 2 (PAID)
Jill Hunter Burrill (PAID)
Bill Kain - 2 (PAID)
Carole Kelling Yeager (PAID)
Jack Korfhage (PAID)
Joan Lazo Trojan (PAID)
Ted Laux - 2 (PAID)
Rick Leaman (PAID)
Louisa Lenhart Brownstein (PAID)
Glenn Levin (PAID)
Jan Lewis Stomel -2 (PAID)
Jacque Liggett Grossman (PAID)
Jeff Lucas - 2 (PAID)
Tricia MacBride - 2 (PAID)
Ed Madden (PAID)
Steve Madjeska (PAID)
Bob Mandle (PAID)
Craig Maull (PAID)
Janice Mayo McNally (PAID)
Barbara Meister Wyman - 2 (PAID)
Vicki Meece Knowles - 2 (PAID)
Craig Miller (PAID)
Kathy O'Neil Chesbro (PAID)
Barbara Patterson Dover - 2 (PAID)
Ed Pearson (PAID)
Carolee Peterson Slocum (PAID)
Marilyn Pratt Bucko - 2 (PAID)
Pat Preston Taylor (PAID)
Chuck Pyle - 2 (PAID)
Phil Quay -2 (PAID)
John Reisner - 2 (PAID)
Richard Reiter - 2 (PAID)
Chuck Robson (PAID)
Wendy Rudner (PAID)
Lee Schafer (PAID)
Geoffrey Seeger - 2 (PAID)
Rob Shannon (PAID)
Chris Spicer (PAID)
Conni Spiegle (PAID)
Mark Sutterley - 2 (PAID)
Barbara Wheeler Chew (PAID)
Lynn White Grizzard (PAID)
Nelson Widell - 2 (PAID)
Robert Wilby - 2 (PAID)
Mark Zipf (PAID)
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A message from Kathy Howell Starnes
Everyone, if you’re not sure about attending the reunion, please consider it again.
When I think of myself in high school, I wonder why that shy, self-absorbed kid that I was in 1966 didn’t take the time to meet each of you. When I look at our yearbook now and realize how many of you I didn’t know, I’m embarrassed and know that in some cases I’m too late.
As Bob says in his post, so many of his favorite and dynamic friends have passed on. But that still leaves over 180 dynamic, wonderful people still here who shared some memories. It’s a rite of passage to make it your 50th anything. Our 50th birthdays came and went at warp speed and for most of us this is our chance for the next big one.
From the all the great posts I’ve read on the website, I see that the world opened up for us after high school. We were lucky kids and fortunate adults.
So on behalf of that long ago 18 year old kid who never could have imagined such a life, I hope to share this 50th with you.
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November Update
The numbers are up and we're sailing along! Welcome to the seven classmates who just joined the web site, most of whom are coming to the Reunion. We've got 45 classmates signed up for the Reunion and 62 total attendees (classmates and spouses), so the invitation list is looking good. Five months will fly by, especially with the holidays, so please get your checks in and make your reservations at the Doubletree now (details below under 50TH REUNION). On the web site we have 108 classmates out of the 146 for whom we have emails, giving up a 73% participation rate... amazing! Since we don't have emails for about 40 more classmates, we will send out snail mail letters shortly with reunion details. Hopefully most of those addresses will still be valid and we will get more people on the site and in the door in April. Please help by looking over the "Missing" list and contact anyone you can. The pictures being posted are great as are the stories. It maybe getting cold outside, but there's wonderful warmth being generated from this site.
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Memories of the 60's (contributed by Bob Greenberg)
So, last night I attended a Doctor/Lawyer reception here in Cherry Hill ( sounds like a blast, doesn’t it?). One of the attendees was a chiropractor who played football for HMHS in the 80’s, his son is a top player on this year’s team, which is headed for the playoffs, by the way. He was wide eyed when I told him that I had played baseball for the legendary Russ Spicer. As I regaled him with stories, I was struck by a familiar feeling, not nostalgia, but as best I can explain it, a profound sense that that Coach, that time, those teams and teammates (yes, even you, dear Knucklehead) taught me some very important life lessons that have done me very well, I think. Hey, I wonder if a kid like me could get away with being nicknamed “Chico” in our PC world today.
I suppose that for each and all of us, whatever your HMHS activity or interest back then, there was time to play it out and explore as only young teens can.
This morning, I turned on WXPN, U of Penn radio, and this week, they are playing songs from a recent online poll: what is the greatest year in music? This AM it was 1964. I am not an “Oldies” freak, but I have to tell you, after last night’s conversations, to hear some of the sound track of our lives was quite warm and fuzzy.
It might be the same old song, but it has a different meaning since we’ve been gone.
Come to the Reunion in April. Let’s dance. See you there.
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I have read about our "sort of" classmates who did not finish at HMHS. Sorry folks but if you attended you ARE one of us! I will be glad to see you at our reunion!
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"You are one of us" from David Dalton
I have read about our "sort of" classmates who did not finish at HMHS. Sorry folks but if you attended you ARE one of us! I will be glad to see you at our reunion! David Dalton
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A Note From Bob Greenberg
Dear Classmates,
If you are like me, this website and the many messages posted have me thinking a great deal about my four years at HMHS. If you are like me, you might look back and realize that high school was a tough time.
A learned man once taught me that the unconscious is timeless. I have found this to be true, and I bet you have, too. Thinking about HMHS takes us back, sometimes to a place filled with laughs, Legion, football Saturdays, romances, and great friendships. And, of course, some of the memories are not so wonderful. But we did survive, bruised and battered sometimes, and a bit wiser for the experience. We helped each other survive. That's what we did as each other's friends. The very fortunate news is that we have been given this amazing gift of still being here. I am just now coming to grips with the fact that so many of my favorite and most dynamic Class of '66 personalities have not been given that gift.
But we are still here! It is our shared experience, warts and all, that I want to celebrate. I am much more interested in how you and I got to this place and time almost 50 years later than in the high school trivia. I want to see you now. I want to hear about your lives, your work, your joys and passions, and yes, your heartaches. I want to shake your hand, give you a hug, and marvel at whatever has brought us to this time in our lives.
Please come next April. Sign up now. Please share yourself as you are now, with me and everyone else. We shared something in our little school in our time that no one else did. Share yourself for a few hours with the rest of us.
I’ll be damn glad to see you.
Also, if anyone reading this wants to come but has hardship issues, please contact me privately; we will see what we can do to get you here, quietly and confidentially. I am guessing that we have classmates who will help, and they will never know who they are helping.
Yours, Bobby Greenberg