In Memory

Ed Kilkuskie

Mr. Kilkuskie taught commercial classes including typing for over 30 years at HMHS and was loved and respected by his students. He served in the US Navy during World War II and was a longtime member of Christ the King Church. His three children, Ginny, our classmate, her brother Bob, and sister Kate also attended HMHS.


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04/28/16 08:20 AM #1    

Vicki Meece (Knowles)

I thought typing skills might come in handy for term papers in college, so I took commercial typing rather than personal typing. We started out on manual typewriters, I remember, huge keyboard charts on the wall, and a desk timer with a piercing buzzer that controlled my fate. Towards the end of the semester we were forced to try this new fangled electric typewriter which totally messed up my rhythm. I hated it!  Little did I know that the world was about to embrace the electric keyboard as it had the Model T and I would be selling IBM Selectric Typewriters for a living. Being able to type 100 words per minute, thanks to Mr. K and that damned buzzer, kept me employed in the world of computers for the next 40 years.

04/29/16 12:34 PM #2    

Vincent Summers

My mom also made me take business typing. I, too, clock in at over 100 wpm. What makes this funny is that another person who made, oh, fifty words or so took a typing award, whereas I, because I had not completed the round (was it I and II?), was not eligible, though faster.

04/29/16 04:20 PM #3    

Craig Miller

I took personal tying from some pretty teacher.  I can not remember her name.  We worked on manual writers and I got all the way to 28 words per minute.  When I came back from overseas I was to be stationed at Fort Benning in Georgia.  I was assigned to a training company to train Rangers and Airborne guys in tactics and such.  My cousin, who was a Colonel, was also there and told me I would be in the "field" all the time.  He asked if I knew how to type.  I told him I did.  He got my orders changed to work as a "Remington Raider" which in civilian lfe is a clerk typist.  I took that job, and Vicki, the typewriter was an electric.  I was in charge of doing the morning report and could only have 3 errors on it that the Captain would initial.  I ran through many sheets of that form with a whole lot of more than 3 errors.  I would rest my fingers on the key board and off would go the keys!  They finally put me on night CQ duty and I had from midnight to 6 in the morning to get it correct.



04/30/16 07:16 AM #4    

Jeff Lucas

I too took typing thinking it would be helpful with term papers etc.   So glad I did. Now I think they have stopped teaching long form handwriting and typing must be a requirement.   And now I can just talk to my computer and it types for me.  Star Trek is really here.

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